Let's get to work.

It's time to set up our first call so you can get the results you came for.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions as completely as possible, to help us get the most out of our time together. My goal is for you to see the greatest benefit possible from our call.

All information shared here and on the call is 100% confidential, and will help us to nail down the right steps and strategies to build holistic wellness into your lifestyle.

Phone (if you'd like text updates)
If we could wave a magic wand right now, what aspect of your life would want to see transformed, and what would that look like?*
Describe the key elements in your story to date. Be as descriptive and specific as possible. Work: What you do for work (Is it remote, hybrid, in-person)? Connection: What is your family life like? Do you maintain friendships & Community? Purpose: Where do you find fulfillment? Basic Needs: Living situation? Relationship with: Self, Food, Others, Technology, Money?*
Share with me what's your WHY? What makes this step in your journey worthwhile for you?*
Describe your current lifestyle challenge: What have you noticed? How is this challenge impacting your wellbeing? What resolutions have you tried already? Why do you think it did or didn’t work? Be as descriptive and specific as possible.*
 How long have you noticed this challenge? (e.g. Weeks, Months, Years)*
Obstacles: When looking at where you are vs where you want to be, what do you feel has held you back the most? *
If you answered 'Other' for obstacles please note here
Challenge of Choice: What area of your lifestyle would you like to focus our coaching sessions on?*
Do you know what kind of learner you are?*
What have you tried so far? Include any coaching programs, paid training, marketing strategies, etc*
What, if anything, do you feel has worked best for you so far?*
Do you have time to dedicate to consistent coaching and implementing what we discuss in between each session?*
How many hours per week are you currently working (or are willing to work) to grow in this area?
What, if anything, do you feel might stand in the way of the success you seek?*
On a scale of 1 - 10, with 1 = not ready and 10 = LET'S GO!, How prepared are you mentally, emotionally, financially, to invest in yourself and your business to see the results you want within the next 90 days?*
Is there anything else you know is important that you would like to share?